Minutes of June 5, 2019




Meeting called to Order: 7:05pm                        


Officers Present:  Casey, Steve, Jerry, Bruce  


Financial Report:  No Change 


Steve:  Reports an Email from Maureen,  dash plaques will be done in a few days.  


Discussed Car Show awards. 


Motion made and seconded to reduce the number of awards.  Discussion of details 


Mike Dougherty – Presented the work schedule signup sheet for Cruise Night.  


Steve:  Will cover any remaining food vendor arrangements. 


Casey – Cruise Night insurance – is Paid.  Same cost as 2018. 


Work schedule for Friday evening gone over.  Still short on people.  


Work Schedule Recap:  6:00 pm Thursday, 11:30 am Friday   These are start times for signs and taping.   


Adjourned:  7:50pm